Assessment of the Iran Action Plan against Antimicrobial Resistance
Iran Action Plan against Antimicrobial Resistance
The Islamic Republic of Iran provided a national action plan against antimicrobial resistance (NAP/AMR) for 2016-2021. In this study, we have dealt with the background and Iran’s efforts in this way, compare Iran’s NAP/AMR with other international programs, represent efficient policy options, and the evaluation indicators of each purpose of Iran NAP/AMR. The indicators of each group are represented through the consensus of three academic researchers. Finally, our assessment reveals that performing a constant observation is highly required for a prearranged NAP/AMR. The political parties and stakeholders should punctually receive interpretable feedbacks; also, it is very important to conduct periodical assessments with the purpose of perceiving the purpose feasibility and determining the dimensions that require advancements.
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2. Founou RC, Founou LL, Essack SY. Clinical and economic impact of antibiotic resistance in developing countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS ONE. 2017;12(12):1–18.
3. Llor C, Bjerrum L. Antimicrobial resistance: Risk associated with antibiotic overuse and initiatives to reduce the problem. Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety. 2014;5(6):229–41.
4. Antibiotic Resistance. Brief, Health Affairs Health Policy. 2015;May 21.
5. Laxminarayan R, Duse A, Wattal C, Zaidi AKM, Wertheim HFL, Sumpradit N, et al. Antibiotic resistance—the need for global solutions. The Lancet Infectious Diseases. 2013;13:1057–98.
6. Michael CA, Dominey-Howes D, Labbate M. The antimicrobial resistance crisis: Causes, consequences, and management. Frontiers in Public Health. 2014;2(SEP):1–8.
7. Anderson M, Clift C, Schulze K, Sagan A, Nahrgang S, Ouakrim DA, et al. Averting the AMR crisis:What are the avenues for policy action for countries in Europe? [Internet]. 2019 [cited 2020 Jan 15]. Available from:
8. World Health Organization. Ten threats to global health in 2019 [Internet]. [cited 2020 Jan 21]. Available from:
9. Bank W, Jonas, Olga B.; Irwin, Alec; Berthe, Franck Cesar Jean; Le Gall, Francois G.; Marquez P V. Drug-resistant infections: a threat to our economic future (Vol. 2). 2017.
10. Laxminarayan R, Sridhar D, Blaser M, Wang M, Woolhouse M. Achieving Global Targets for Antimicrobial Resistance. Science. 2016;353(6302):874–5.
11. Davies DS. Sustaining global action on antimicrobial resistance. 2017.
12. Skovgaard N. New trends in emerging pathogens. International journal of food microbiology [Internet]. 2007 Dec 15 [cited 2016 Dec 14];120(3):217–24. Available from:
13. Chandy SJ, Naik GS, Balaji V, Jeyaseelan V, Thomas K, Lundborg CS. High cost burden and health consequences of antibiotic resistance: The price to pay. Journal of Infection in Developing Countries. 2014 Sep 1;8(9):1096–102.
14. Last-line antibiotics are failing: options to address this urgent threat to patients and healthcare systems. [cited 2020 Jan 15]; Available from:
15. Moore LSP, Freeman R, Gilchrist MJ, Gharbi M, Brannigan ET, Donaldson H, et al. Homogeneity of antimicrobial policy, yet heterogeneity of antimicrobial resistance: Antimicrobial non-susceptibility among 108717 clinical isolates from primary, secondary and tertiary care patients in London. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2014 Dec 1;69(12):3409–22.
16. World Health Organization. global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance [Internet]. 2015 [cited 2020 Jan 18]. Available from:
17. Soleymani F, Godman B, Yarimanesh P, Kebriaeezadeh A. Prescribing patterns of physicians working in both the direct and indirect treatment sectors in Iran; findings and implications. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research. 2019;10(4):407–13.
18. Zaboli P, Hashemi-Meshkini A, Varmaghani M, Gholami H, Vazirian I, Zekri H-S, et al. Pharmaceutical laws and regulations in Iran: An overview. Journal of Research in Pharmacy Practice. 2016;5(3):155–61.
19. Nikfar S, Kebriaeezadeh A, Majdzadeh R, Abdollahi M. Monitoring of National Drug Policy (NDP) and its standardized indicators; conformity to decisions of the national drug selecting committee in Iran. BMC International Health and Human Rights. 2005;5:1–10.
20. Bialvaei AZ, Kafil HS, Rezaee M, Ahangarzadeh, Asgharzadeh M, Rahbar M. The Aatimicrobial Resistance Situation in Iran: The National Initiative and R&D to Face AMR. AMR CONTOROL. 2018;20–3.
21. Sharif Z, Peiravian F, Salamzadeh J, Mohammadi NK, Jalalimanesh A. Irrational use of antibiotics in Iran from the perspective of complex adaptive systems: redefining the challenge. BMC Public Health. 2021;21(1):1–14.
22. Moradi G, Gouya MM, Eshrati B, Mohraz M, Molaei L, Piroozi B. National action plan of the Islamic Republic of Iran for combating antimicrobial resistance during 2016 – 2021. Medical Journal of The Islamic Republic of Iran. 2018;32(1):475–9.
23. Moradi G, Piroozi B, Mollaeipour L. National Action Plan of the Islamic Republic of Iran for Combating Antimicrobial Resistance (IRIAMR)2016-2021. 2016;1–85.
24. Mohagheghi MA, Mosavi-Jarrahi A, Khatemi-Moghaddam M, Afhami S, Khodai S, Azemoodeh O. Community-based outpatient practice of antiobiotics use in Tehran. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2005;14(2):135–8.
25. Bastani, Peivand, Eshagh Barfar, Aziz Rezapour, Seyyed Mostafa Hakimzadeh, Ali Tahernejad SP. Rational Prescription of Drug in Iran: Statistics and Trends for Policymakers. Journal of Health Management and Informatics. 2018;5(2):35–40.
26. Bairami F, Soleymani F, Rashidian A. Improving Injectable medicines prescription in outpatient services: A path towards rational use of medicines in Iran. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 2016;5(5):321–4.
27. Ledingham K, Hinchliffe S, Jackson M, Thomas F, Tomson G. Antibiotic resistance: using a cultural contexts of health approach to address a global health challenge. World Health Organization Europe. 2019;(2).
28. Ridd M, Shaw A, Lewis G, Salisbury C. The patient-doctor relationship: A synthesis of the qualitative literature on patients’ perspectives. British Journal of General Practice. 2009;59(561):268–75.
29. Farahani MA, Mohammadi E, Ahmadi F, Maleki M, Hajizadeh E. Cultural barriers in the education of cardiovascular disease patients in Iran. International Nursing Review. 2008;55(3):360–6.
30. Guler S, Hurton S, Winn MC, Molinari M. Levels in Decision Making and Techniques for Clinicians. International Journal of Digestive Diseases. 2015;01(01):1–11.
31. Caldwell SEM, Mays N. Studying policy implementation using a macro, meso and micro frame analysis: the case of the Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research & Care (CLAHRC) programme nationally and in North West London. Health Research Policy and Systems. 2012;10(October 2012).
32. Keshavarz Mohammadi N. One step back toward the future of health promotion: Complexity-informed health promotion. Health Promotion International. 2019;34(4):635–9.
33. Barasa EW, Molyneux S, English M, Cleary S. Hospitals as complex adaptive systems: A case study of factors influencing priority setting practices at the hospital level in Kenya. Social Science and Medicine [Internet]. 2017;174:104–12. Available from:
34. Llewellyn-Thomas H, Sutherland HJ, Tibshirani R, Ciampi A, Till JE, Boyd NF. The Measurement of Patients’ Values in Medicine. Medical Decision Making. 1982;2(4):449–62.
2. Founou RC, Founou LL, Essack SY. Clinical and economic impact of antibiotic resistance in developing countries: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS ONE. 2017;12(12):1–18.
3. Llor C, Bjerrum L. Antimicrobial resistance: Risk associated with antibiotic overuse and initiatives to reduce the problem. Therapeutic Advances in Drug Safety. 2014;5(6):229–41.
4. Antibiotic Resistance. Brief, Health Affairs Health Policy. 2015;May 21.
5. Laxminarayan R, Duse A, Wattal C, Zaidi AKM, Wertheim HFL, Sumpradit N, et al. Antibiotic resistance—the need for global solutions. The Lancet Infectious Diseases. 2013;13:1057–98.
6. Michael CA, Dominey-Howes D, Labbate M. The antimicrobial resistance crisis: Causes, consequences, and management. Frontiers in Public Health. 2014;2(SEP):1–8.
7. Anderson M, Clift C, Schulze K, Sagan A, Nahrgang S, Ouakrim DA, et al. Averting the AMR crisis:What are the avenues for policy action for countries in Europe? [Internet]. 2019 [cited 2020 Jan 15]. Available from:
8. World Health Organization. Ten threats to global health in 2019 [Internet]. [cited 2020 Jan 21]. Available from:
9. Bank W, Jonas, Olga B.; Irwin, Alec; Berthe, Franck Cesar Jean; Le Gall, Francois G.; Marquez P V. Drug-resistant infections: a threat to our economic future (Vol. 2). 2017.
10. Laxminarayan R, Sridhar D, Blaser M, Wang M, Woolhouse M. Achieving Global Targets for Antimicrobial Resistance. Science. 2016;353(6302):874–5.
11. Davies DS. Sustaining global action on antimicrobial resistance. 2017.
12. Skovgaard N. New trends in emerging pathogens. International journal of food microbiology [Internet]. 2007 Dec 15 [cited 2016 Dec 14];120(3):217–24. Available from:
13. Chandy SJ, Naik GS, Balaji V, Jeyaseelan V, Thomas K, Lundborg CS. High cost burden and health consequences of antibiotic resistance: The price to pay. Journal of Infection in Developing Countries. 2014 Sep 1;8(9):1096–102.
14. Last-line antibiotics are failing: options to address this urgent threat to patients and healthcare systems. [cited 2020 Jan 15]; Available from:
15. Moore LSP, Freeman R, Gilchrist MJ, Gharbi M, Brannigan ET, Donaldson H, et al. Homogeneity of antimicrobial policy, yet heterogeneity of antimicrobial resistance: Antimicrobial non-susceptibility among 108717 clinical isolates from primary, secondary and tertiary care patients in London. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2014 Dec 1;69(12):3409–22.
16. World Health Organization. global Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance [Internet]. 2015 [cited 2020 Jan 18]. Available from:
17. Soleymani F, Godman B, Yarimanesh P, Kebriaeezadeh A. Prescribing patterns of physicians working in both the direct and indirect treatment sectors in Iran; findings and implications. Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Services Research. 2019;10(4):407–13.
18. Zaboli P, Hashemi-Meshkini A, Varmaghani M, Gholami H, Vazirian I, Zekri H-S, et al. Pharmaceutical laws and regulations in Iran: An overview. Journal of Research in Pharmacy Practice. 2016;5(3):155–61.
19. Nikfar S, Kebriaeezadeh A, Majdzadeh R, Abdollahi M. Monitoring of National Drug Policy (NDP) and its standardized indicators; conformity to decisions of the national drug selecting committee in Iran. BMC International Health and Human Rights. 2005;5:1–10.
20. Bialvaei AZ, Kafil HS, Rezaee M, Ahangarzadeh, Asgharzadeh M, Rahbar M. The Aatimicrobial Resistance Situation in Iran: The National Initiative and R&D to Face AMR. AMR CONTOROL. 2018;20–3.
21. Sharif Z, Peiravian F, Salamzadeh J, Mohammadi NK, Jalalimanesh A. Irrational use of antibiotics in Iran from the perspective of complex adaptive systems: redefining the challenge. BMC Public Health. 2021;21(1):1–14.
22. Moradi G, Gouya MM, Eshrati B, Mohraz M, Molaei L, Piroozi B. National action plan of the Islamic Republic of Iran for combating antimicrobial resistance during 2016 – 2021. Medical Journal of The Islamic Republic of Iran. 2018;32(1):475–9.
23. Moradi G, Piroozi B, Mollaeipour L. National Action Plan of the Islamic Republic of Iran for Combating Antimicrobial Resistance (IRIAMR)2016-2021. 2016;1–85.
24. Mohagheghi MA, Mosavi-Jarrahi A, Khatemi-Moghaddam M, Afhami S, Khodai S, Azemoodeh O. Community-based outpatient practice of antiobiotics use in Tehran. Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety. 2005;14(2):135–8.
25. Bastani, Peivand, Eshagh Barfar, Aziz Rezapour, Seyyed Mostafa Hakimzadeh, Ali Tahernejad SP. Rational Prescription of Drug in Iran: Statistics and Trends for Policymakers. Journal of Health Management and Informatics. 2018;5(2):35–40.
26. Bairami F, Soleymani F, Rashidian A. Improving Injectable medicines prescription in outpatient services: A path towards rational use of medicines in Iran. International Journal of Health Policy and Management. 2016;5(5):321–4.
27. Ledingham K, Hinchliffe S, Jackson M, Thomas F, Tomson G. Antibiotic resistance: using a cultural contexts of health approach to address a global health challenge. World Health Organization Europe. 2019;(2).
28. Ridd M, Shaw A, Lewis G, Salisbury C. The patient-doctor relationship: A synthesis of the qualitative literature on patients’ perspectives. British Journal of General Practice. 2009;59(561):268–75.
29. Farahani MA, Mohammadi E, Ahmadi F, Maleki M, Hajizadeh E. Cultural barriers in the education of cardiovascular disease patients in Iran. International Nursing Review. 2008;55(3):360–6.
30. Guler S, Hurton S, Winn MC, Molinari M. Levels in Decision Making and Techniques for Clinicians. International Journal of Digestive Diseases. 2015;01(01):1–11.
31. Caldwell SEM, Mays N. Studying policy implementation using a macro, meso and micro frame analysis: the case of the Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research & Care (CLAHRC) programme nationally and in North West London. Health Research Policy and Systems. 2012;10(October 2012).
32. Keshavarz Mohammadi N. One step back toward the future of health promotion: Complexity-informed health promotion. Health Promotion International. 2019;34(4):635–9.
33. Barasa EW, Molyneux S, English M, Cleary S. Hospitals as complex adaptive systems: A case study of factors influencing priority setting practices at the hospital level in Kenya. Social Science and Medicine [Internet]. 2017;174:104–12. Available from:
34. Llewellyn-Thomas H, Sutherland HJ, Tibshirani R, Ciampi A, Till JE, Boyd NF. The Measurement of Patients’ Values in Medicine. Medical Decision Making. 1982;2(4):449–62.
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Antimicrobial resistance National action plan Iran |
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How to Cite
Shafian S, Sharif Z, Zarei L, Hadidi M, Lankarani K. Assessment of the Iran Action Plan against Antimicrobial Resistance. JPPM. 2023;9(1):27-38.