Vol 8 No 3 (2022)

Original Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 84 | views: 94 | pages: 15-21
    Background: Narcotic drugs are used as an effective analgesic in diseases such as cancers and malignancies after surgery and addiction treatment. The available data show that the burden of addiction in Iranian society is not decreasing despite several thousand addiction treatment centers in the country. This issue reveals the importance of the proper use of narcotic drugs and the legal and controlled distribution in our society. One of the critical issues in medicine is the discussion of the correct supply of drugs, mainly controlled drugs, and narcotics, which are very prone to consumption and trafficking. Targeted distribution of these drugs can be a big step towards combating drug trafficking and drug abuse in Iran and preventing the illegal market for narcotic analgesics. The aim of this study was to investigate the distribution method of analgesic drugs in Iran. Methods:  Qualitative method was used to study the distribution system and access to narcotic drugs in Iran. Data analysis was performed by an inductive method and developing models and themes. In the sampling process of experts, up to 40 interviews were conducted in person by the researcher. Results: The main factors affecting the distribution of narcotic drugs in Iran were identified, and solutions for the optimal distribution of these drugs were presented. This study showed the importance and role of regulatory bodies, monitoring system, supply and distribution system, electronic system, and the place of supply of narcotic drugs that have affected the distribution of narcotic drugs in Iran. Conclusion: The problem that can be seen outside the control of the organization's inspectors on the performance of these centers is due to a large number of pharmacies and MMT centers, and this is one of the disorders and obstacles to the principle of monitoring the distribution process within the system. Also, we need to consider the main factors affecting the distribution of narcotic drugs.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 70 | views: 73 | pages: 37-44
    Background: Organizational life cycle (OLC) model is an approach for analyzing the economic features of organizations. Determining a company OLC is the first step in identifying its weaknesses and can offer the right solutions to address them. In this study, the OLC stage of DarouPakhsh MFG Co. (DPMC) was investigated. The results of this study help the company develop more appropriate programs to achieve organizational goal. Methods:  The present study is a descriptive-analytical study from 2009 to 2016, during which the OLC of DarouPakhsh MFG Co was studied. The four variables, age, annual sales growth, capital expenditures, and dividend payout ratio, were calculated, and the OLC score - which shows the OLC stage - was constructed using the Anthony-Ramesh method. Results: According to the results, DPMC was in the maturity phase between 2009 to 2016, except for 2014, which was in the decline stage. The reason for the reduced OLC index was mainly lowering sales growth and fixed assets. Conclusion: DPMC can set appropriate implementations, such as lowering the DPR and current cost or increasing fixed assets to improve its financial performance. Growing fixed assets lead to new technology and product that will enhance firms’ production capacity and profitability. Also, more marketing efforts can increase its sales growth and, subsequently, the OLC index.

Review Article(s)

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 75 | views: 172 | pages: 23-36
    Background: A comprehensive ecosystem for hypertension care is needed, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), to address disproportionately increasing hypertension prevalence and poor blood pressure (BP) control. Therefore, this explanatory review was conducted to present the ecosystem for providing hypertension care in resource-limited settings from a sub-Saharan African perspective. Methods:  We searched articles written in the English language from January 2000 to January 2020 from the following databases: PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar with a systematic search query. Results: We identified 3,451 articles, abstracted 143 articles, read full text 101 articles, and included 97 articles in the final Review. Hypertension control in SSA is poor due to the interaction of a complex network of factors involving patients (lack of awareness, poor treatment adherence), the healthcare system (lack of early screening, lack of access to medicines, under treatment, poor research involvement), community (inequities), environment (air pollution), economy (poverty), poor political commitment, lack of strong policies and leadership support, and weak networking and collaboration. The Healthcare system in SSA needs strengthening concerning; health promotion and hypertension prevention, scale-up of cost-effective screening approaches, aggressive treatment of hypertension, and researching country-specific approaches for managing hypertension. Conclusion: Hypertension control in SSA needs a comprehensive ecosystem view involving all relevant stakeholders. Therefore, improving health promotion and disease prevention activities to improve patient and public awareness of hypertension prevention and control; restructuring hypertension care approach to environmentally appropriate and cost-efficient methods; introducing cost-effective FDC medications in the national drug lists to improve treatment adherence; designing strategies to address SDH health and reducing health inequities, strengthening implementation of HiAP with due consideration to determinants of hypertension control, and improving collaboration and networking of existing cardiovascular societies, an international society of hypertension and world hypertension league, and other funding agencies are critical success factors for improving hypertension control in SSA.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 115 | views: 258 | pages: 44-49
    Background The precision Medicine initiative is a new research exertion intending to offer personalized medicine in many illnesses, including cancer. The purpose of the current article is to offer novel insights about the role of personalized medicine in patients with colorectal liver metastases (CRLM). Experimental An assess the writing in regards to personalized medication and cancer in patient with colorectal liver metastases was performed in the MEDLINE/PubMed database. Result and discussion Surgical resection remains the main hope for a cure of CRLM. Worked on surgical scheme to improve remnant liver volume are as of late presented and making progress. Following resection of CRLM scoring methods have been evolved by amalgamated certain preoperative factors, for example, microsatellite instability KRAS expression and sensitivity to immunotherapy with programmed Death-1 inhibitor. conclusion Multidisciplinary management of patients with CRLM has particularly added to survival. While the most recent quite a few years have been described by these significant developments, future advances for patients with CRLM will rely upon a superior comprehension of genomics and molecular biology to promote with the portrayal of a specific tumor "identity" so that individualized therapy for each CRLM patient turns into the rule, and not the exception.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 94 | views: 135 | pages: 1-14
    Background: Initial combination therapy, preferentially fixed-dose combination (FDC) therapy is recommended by most of the clinical guidelines for the management of hypertension in adults. However, there is inadequate evidence on the impact of FDC on Blood pressure control, clinical outcomes, and cost of treatment. Therefore, this review was conducted to synthesize evidence impact of FDC treatment strategies on adherence, blood pressure control, clinical outcomes, and cost of treatment. Methods:  We systematically searched articles written in the English language from January 2000 to January 2020 from the following databases: PubMed/Medline, Embase, and Google scholar. Results: Controlled trials were conducted among 17,465 adult hypertensive patients and retrospective cohort studies were conducted among 1,587,737 adult hypertensive patients. FDC strategy Improved treatment adherence and reduced adverse effects. However, the effect of FDC on blood pressure control, clinical outcomes, overall mortality, major adverse cardiac event-free survival, and overall cost of treatment were variable ranging from small changes to insignificant differences. Conclusion: Fixed-dose combination therapy improved treatment adherence and reduced side effects. However, the role of FDC on treatment outcomes like blood pressure reduction, CVD risk factor reduction, reduction in hospitalization rate, and the overall mortality rate was inconclusive. More strong multi-center trials involving patients with good adherence are required to see the actual effect of FDCs on the treatment outcomes of hypertension patients. In addition, ensuring medicine availability and conducting economic evaluations from different perspectives are required to recommend FDC as a first-line treatment option for the treatment of hypertension in adults.