
Quality Assurance Status in Iranian Pharmaceutical Industry: A Survey


Introduction: Critical role of quality assurance (QA) system in the pharmaceutical industry could affect on product quality, market development, customer satisfaction, and other element of a successful drug company.Purpose of the Study: The main aim of this study is to evaluate of QA system, the relevant factors to the good manufacturing practice principles and detection of gap between knowledge and implementation of QA indices by their managers in pharmaceutical companies of Iran.Method: This study contains designing a validated questionnaire with the expert panel and completing it in the pilot and final phases.Results: This study have shown that there is a gap between knowledge of QA seniors and their practice in all categories of QA indices. Furthermore, it has been shown that measurement category has maximum gap. Moreover, machinery has minimum gap between all categories.Conclusion: The status of QA managers’ knowledge is appropriate, but implementation of QA indices in Iranian pharmaceutical industry is not appropriate.
IssueVol 1 No 1/2 (2015) QRcode
Quality assurance good manufacturing practice Iran pharmaceutical industry

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How to Cite
Hosseinzadeh A, Yektadoost A, Hozouri H, Dinarvand R, Kebriaeezadeh A. Quality Assurance Status in Iranian Pharmaceutical Industry: A Survey. JPPM. 2015;1(1/2):14-21.