Review Article

Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation of Homeopathy: Assessing Efficacy, Economics, and Policy Perspectives

Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation of Homeopathy


Background: This narrative review aims to explore the necessity for pharmacoeconomic studies in homeopathy, elucidating key factors and methodologies essential for conducting such assessments. In contemporary healthcare, evidence-based practices are fundamental for ensuring optimal patient outcomes and resource allocation. Essential steps for conducting pharmacoeconomic studies in homeopathy involve study design, intervention identification, comparator selection, outcome measures definition, data collection, cost analysis, effectiveness analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, cost-benefit analysis, sensitivity analysis, reporting, and peer review. While conventional medicine undergoes rigorous pharmacoeconomic evaluations, the field of homeopathy often lacks such scrutiny. However, the importance of pharmacoeconomic studies in homeopathy is increasingly recognized, given its growing integration into modern healthcare systems. Methods: A systematic search of electronic databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science) was performed to identify relevant literature using keywords such as "homeopathy," "pharmacoeconomics," and "efficacy." Articles meeting inclusion criteria were assessed for quality using established frameworks like the Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards (CHEERS). Data synthesis was conducted thematically, focusing on study objectives, methodologies, findings, and conclusions. Results: Ten pharmacoeconomic studies within homeopathy were identified, demonstrating varying degrees of compliance with reporting guidelines. While most studies reported costs comprehensively, some lacked methodological transparency, particularly in analytic methods. Heterogeneity was observed in study designs and outcome measures, reflecting the complexity of economic evaluation in homeopathy. Quality of evidence varied, with some studies exhibiting robust methodologies while others had limitations. Conclusion: Based on the review, recommendations include promoting homeopathic clinics, providing policy support, adopting collaborative healthcare models, and leveraging India's homeopathic resources. Pharmacoeconomic studies in homeopathy are crucial for evaluating its economic implications compared to conventional medicine. While certain studies demonstrated methodological rigor, opportunities exist for enhancing consistency, transparency, and quality in economic evaluations. Addressing these challenges is essential for informing decision-making regarding the economic aspects of homeopathic interventions.

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SectionReview Article(s)
CHEERS Health policy Homeopathy

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How to Cite
Patil A, Singh S. Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation of Homeopathy: Assessing Efficacy, Economics, and Policy Perspectives. JPPM. 2024;10(1):35-46.